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Why a cat? Are you really ready?

A cat is a big responsibility. Yes, they are sleek, beautiful and just look so pretty curled up in that chair, but they are also living, breathing creatures with needs and personalities all their own. A cat can live for 20 plus years with proper care. There are a few questions that you should ask yourself before deciding to take on the commitment of an animal companion.

1. Why do you want a cat?

2. What role do you expect the cat to play in your family? Are you going to be flexible enough to accept it if the cat doesn’t agree with that expectation?

3. Does everyone in the family want a cat? (especially this type of cat in particular)

4. Who will be responsible for feeding, grooming and day-to-day care of the cat? This includes scooping out a litter box at least once a day.

5. How do you feel about an animal on your counter tops and furniture? Also, having hair on and in everything?

6. Do you travel a lot or work long hours?

7. Are you planning to move in the future? What would happen to the cat?

8. Can you afford the financial expense of owning a cat? Cats require not only yearly vaccines from a veterinarian, but also necessities like nutritious food and kitty litter.

9. What other pet do you have in the home? How do they feel about cats?

Cat ownership is not something to be taken lightly. They should be considered a new family member. Planning and forethought on your part can help ensure many happy tomorrows for you and your new friend.

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